Memorials to Raisel, Moishe, Sima, Hilda, Philip, Ida, Sidney, and David
Jean Grosser
Hartsville, South Carolina
Memorials to Raisel, Moishe, Sima, Hilda, Philip, Ida, Sidney, and David, 2007
Wood, paper, photograph, gold leaf
I have been creating sculptures inspired by political events since 1993. My artistic interests stem from a family tradition of political activism. This series of eight artworks is inspired by my Jewish heritage. I used torn, singed pages of the hate books as a backdrop for small sculptures that include photos of my aunts, uncles, and great-grandparents, four of whom immigrated to the United States before World War II and four of whom did not survive.
Jean Grosser received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Barnard College; a Bachelor of Fine Arts in sculpture from Alfred State College of Ceramics; and a Master of Fine Arts in sculpture from Ohio University, Athens. She is a Professor of Art and Chair of the Art Department at Coker College. Her artistic purpose is to give visual expression to issues of social and political conflict, which stem from a family tradition of political activism.
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